Friday 16 March 2007

Search Engine Optimization

Having learned a little about search engine optimization, it does seem that it can be quite important, depending on the current popularity of your site and the intentions you have for your website.

Some of the more important things do seem rather simple, for example the way that adding a suitable title which people may be interesting in searching for to your title tags can help to increase your page rank. Similarly, being sure to repeat keywords convincingly throughout the first paragraphs and the header tags seems to be a relatively simple and worthwhile task.

Cutting Edge - Google Behind the Scenes

The documentary "Cutting Edge - Google Behind the Scenes" was about both the Google search engine and the company itself, in particular the way in which Google stores user information and to whom access to this information is allowed.

For Google to be storing personal information about its users and customers does seem somewhat invasive. However this does depend on the extent to which information is stored and made available. If, for example, the information was to be made available to anyone under any circumstances, this would seem particularly invasive, although as it stands, it does seem to be kept relatively private outside of special circumstances. Still, though, the fact remains that this information can be accessed at - seemingly - any time by people with the correct authority.